Wednesday 20 March 2013

Judy sums up this year's CSW

It is high time that I finished my UN postings.

Fri March 15 was a day of ups and downs. Chapel was both an up and a down. For the last 2 weeks we have been surrounded by large silhouettes on the walls on the chapel of women who have "stories" to tell about violence in their lives. They were beautiful and haunting. Friday we did a sort of Stations of the cross around the room, stopping at each silhouette while the artist, Mary, told the story and Kathleen led us in contemplation and prayer. It was a wonderful but disturbing service. It was also sad because it would be the last chapel service at the UN Church Centre for us until next year.

The briefing by UN Women was also hopeful but uncertain as we have not yet got a concluding document and we have been here before -it could go either way.

I said goodbye to my soroptimist new friends after the briefing. It was wonderful to meet so many new like minded women. Special thanks to Sharon who was my Canadian contact and Anusha who was a negotiator and many more who welcomed me into their circle.

Back to the Episcopal Church Centre or "815" as it is affectionately known. Here we had a closing Eucharist and our last chance to see the Anglican women from around the world. Alice Medcof led the service and preached the sermon. It was a very meaningful service but again sad as we said goodbye to our Anglican sisters.

Joan Fraser from Long Island took me to Grand Central Station for a long lunch. It is a beautiful building but confusing, I got lost looking for the bathroom and for a moment wondered if I would ever find my way back.
Back to the hotel for a shower and a nap.

Ross and Joan and Lynaia Main went to Famous Dave's on 42 for a delicious barbecue dinner. I had ribs "naked" and enjoyed getting sticky and sharing time with good friends. I will miss you all.

After dinner I check my email and found that we indeed did have a concluding document. Much praise goes to the chair and to Michelle Bachelet for being single minded and dedicated to a positive ending to our 2 weeks in New York.
Visit the UNCSW website to learn more.

Sat I checked out and spent some time in the Maple Leaf Lounge at Laguardia and watched snow fall. We were late leaving as we needed deicing first.

Can you imagine my excitement when I saw my grandson Jackson as I came out of the door at Pearson. The whole family came out to pick Granny up from the airport and see "lots" of planes. I spent sat night and most of Sunday with them and got home about 7:30.
How nice to sleep in my own bed.

And now the really hard work begins. We need to continue working to ensure that the agreed conclusions are implemented and to prepare for next year.

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